Sunday, March 04, 2007


i just got my mac today! now i will be more connected to everyone thats close to me....i should go to bed though. its late, but ya today was quite the day for me... sweeeet blessings.........


Anonymous said...

ok, so that was me, Yuki, but i don't know i used to have an accoun and I stil should be able to use it...but hmmmm weird i think i just signed in to somebody else's...weird!!!
anyway, it was Yuki, so don't freak out. everything is good fawn! lol

Fawnsita said...

i was wondering who the heck is this? but tkx for clearing that up!

A.J. said...

Which Mac? What colour? what size hard drive.... details woman we need details!!!

Fawnsita said...

details huh? thats hard, but let me figure it out since everything is new ....all i know is its black, says macbook, and13"....n super hard drive i think...i dont know alot of the technological stuff, but all that mattered to me was the color black!
im so excited about my purchase. its been bonding time for the past 12 hours maybe...

A.J. said...

Well welcome to the world of Mac. There really is no going back now!

The black one is really sweet I have to say!

Fawnsita said...

i just love it! now we can skype!

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me