Saturday, September 09, 2006


Oh how I love this. Man there is no other kind of love of mine than this... the love of writing. I don't know if I can say this passion has been in there all my life, but it's what I love. Cool!! Anyhoop, so I have this urgency today to buy myself a nice fitted black jeans and I tried on a pair and did I ever look nice in it, BUT you know how it is, there is always a lil somethin somethin wrong with it. Ya my legs are kinda short, so sad to say I didnt get to buy them. I went home slightly saddened but not quite. Not a big deal. The story really, is... I missed my friend today. Do I have to say the words? Do I have to tell the truth? nahnahnah Do I have to shout it loud? Yea, it was Andrea. And by the way that was an ol song from Bryan Adams, I think. See on a typical saturday, we'd do things on the spur of the moment. So I had planned on reading in bed today and stretch my scholastic mind brain cells, but the naggin thought of I have to go buy stuff at H&M at Yorkdale. So off we go as we listened to Kanye West.. Let's go Abi. So ya I bought a set of clothes and jewelry of course and I ended my time there with sushi....just like ol times. I miss you really. O ya, Abi is the name of my car. It's kinda weird at times not having a true good friend around, but you know Im learning to trust my dad even more. I know he's taking care of my need or starvation of some real friendship. I talk to him and it can get funny, but it'd be cool to see him face to face. I love deep conversations and at times it goes into like psychological and or spiritual stuff and it gets even more interesting. Know what I mean? So ya my day was good and kinda lonely but not like hard core lonely. Life is very purty. My friend Mandy just walked on me.... hmmm. I just wanted to use that term. ANyhoop I must get off the computer. gnite

1 comment:

A.J. said...

You can't just say you got an outfit and some jewelry and not go into some detail! Inquiring minds want to know!

intellectual + mirror

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me