Sunday, September 17, 2006

MOst ranDom tHoughTs

well well well, this weekend was sweet. I have a poem. The sky was dark as I stepped out to see what the day's weather would be like. I see the man on the bike and made me wonder does he even know how to hike.

Ever have those days when some more money comes in to your account. Interestingly it has happened again. Most times I am sure when it will come and other times I don't know where the money comes from but amazingly I always find out where it has come from. I'm my dad's favorite and I heard recently that is why I am highly favored. Think I'm a spoiled brat? I think not. I say loved.
House/teen sitting! I have not done that in a long time. Funny to see two sibblings at each other's throats. No not really. One's just being silly and the other a lil more mature and try to balance that out. One gets annoyed and other couldnt care less. It's a funny picture at least to me. I am not sure if I am doing a good job at this because the yelling (from time to time) doesn't seem to bother me at all. One making weird noises couldn't bother me and other tries to shut the other one up. It's quite funny. So the question is, am I responsible? I dont know. I would believe I am. Am I being fair to them? hope so...Should I step in because I find it amusing and just enjoy the love between a brother and a sister. O well I think I did my part just being around. I almost forgot the crepes in the oven for dinner. Nothing was burnt whatsoever, but just the fact I was using an oven was abnormal and almost unadjustable. Caferia lifestyle has sure taken its toll on me.
I was at my most weirdest moods this past weekend. It's somewhat disturbing to me at times. I think it could be trying to adjust to this new lifestyle I guess. I don't even know if I can say lifestyle. Living here is different for sure and not being a 'real' student is quite interesting. I find I'm still struggling in some areas.
I really like having conversations with others especially one on one and it's been a while than I've done that. I think I need to be real with someone before the weird/funny/strange comes out of my skin.
I got rid of my blonde streak and have gone totally indian now. Never mind tryin to be hmmm white. hey is that a proper term or word? Am I politically correct? Anyway I'm not tryin to be one. I just thought Id go for another new trend. PEOPLE, meet the indian gothic fawnsita. imagine that, and who would have thought? Actually, Ive just turned black, that's all. LOL..hmmm I don't know if I am making sense at all, but Im sure there's a few that will understand.
I had this nasty dream and I don't think I would even want to write it let alone think and ponder on it. It's just disturbing. Ya let's just put it like that. I wish I had the wonderful skill of dream interpretation though, but I guess I could do that if I practiced. hmmmm... man I don't even know if I even make any sense.
I was talking to my friend Ilisapi the other night and how I long to see her again. You know the kind of friendships where you can just be all over about multiple subjects and always get to a point and understand and laugh and cry and yell and squirm because it is just so part of the friendship and nothing could take you further away from the true friendship even if miles could do that. Well, anyway it was just special to hear one of my beloved ones. I know I will be returning to see my friends all over the Arctic area and I believe it's just going to be crazy, exciting and so much fun. I miss them and last night I missed them so much that I just cried and cried. It's so funny that I've been crying a lot at night due to some stuff. You know how it is, but it really wrecks your heart and all you could even do more is cry and somehow it just feels better. Ya, sometimes it can get hard and lonely and eating can make it well and that is just stupidity. I need to get my mind on track. Well anyway I must sleep to get all the energy I need for manana and hopefully get all the nutrients I need to proceed even further.

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me