Wednesday, October 04, 2006

what to do and how to get there!

That was the famous line several months ago between us all members ofPuerto Rico team. We all laughed and took many pictures and tried to put puzzle pieces together as this one area seemed very alarming and distracting but anyway it ended up being us all standing for each other. Good times and sweet memories...

So you get this vision and you see how marvelous it is and how wonderful it will be and all that. And then all of a sudden it hits you and you wonder what to do and how to get there? The quest is on. So I love to soak now, but it's a matter of making time and getting up early. I have not loved/enjoyed soaking than I have right now. Im an extreme mover and somehow, God of the universe could change this because I loved my moving around and nothing could stop not even leadership. You say how aweful is that? I know, I was remorseful at one point but not anymore... hmmm I mean I think I am no longer suffering from daily runaways or withdrawals might sound more bad. Do I make sense? NOt sure but I understand what I'm tryin to say. So I say it took about a whole year for me to grasp 'soaking' and it is so refreshing and brings me to a new level of intimacy with God. Yea. It's a different approach, but I am so enjoying it and sure it may take time to have my brain calm down and rest with my body, but o how sweet it to trust in Jesus. I remember that song from church. Anyhoop, my journey is to go on further in this area and I don't have an idea of what it will be like, but I know that it brings me so much peace. I'm purty sure there is a whole lot more, but I guess that is for me to discover just like the province of Ontario.

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me