Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 18

En route to North Bay! Woke up at past 6am & packed. For some odd reason I cannot bring myself to pack before the day before I leave although I do try but it always fails. One day I will make it happen. So anyway I had to leave late for that and finally managed to be on the road by 8:30. I only saw one caribou surprisingly and thankfully so I got to drive at a decent speed this time! After you reach Matagami, everything seems like a breeze. Ontario didn't seem far. I could have drove until Barrie but I got tired by 9pm and stayed for the night. I went to visit the college boy and got to see Evan Alexander which was a nice treat! Went to bed at a decent hour so I could run in the morning! It was a good day! Only 12.5 hours on road all by myself and Jesus of course. :)

Day 16

Before we went back home, we stopped at the furniture store! Yes! My time to chose what I would like to have in my house. It was exciting most of it and got stressed by selecting my dinner table and all its material. But I managed to select at least for my bedroom, dinning room and my couche:) now my next mission is to check how big my house is for every room! Exciting times!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 15

En route to Val-d'Or with my colleague. Our first delivery trip this year and who knows how many we will make this year. We love our getaways and travels for work. We left at 9:30am and made it at 8:30pm and had a late dinner. All in all a safe ride even though we encountered a ton of caribou! 

Day 14

Today we went to support our friend burry his daughter. It was a sad day.... But it was just good to be with him in this time of sorrow. I remembered that there are times for everything. I know we have had lots of good times with our friends and although we met again for a reason that words can't describe how to comfort someone but just being there was all that could ease the sorrow.  We left with our hearts content to some level that all we could do or be with all we had and all we could do... Be present and leave a mark on his heart. We love you Gilbert!

Day 13

Back to work!! We got locked out and couldn't go to the gym this morning! So I went on the treadclimber at home and burned tins of calories! I love to burn!

Day 12

Sunday! Rest day or should be a day full of it. What happened today? Can't recall. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Day 11

One of my best Saturdays so far! Fresh blueberry pancakes to kick off the day! All packed and set to go hunting for the day! Was a successful hunt! It was cool chilling with my Webb brothers all day! 

Day 10

Loved my Friday morning run! This day I finally made the time to go see my girlfriends and chill and finally exchange the gifts! 
I was actually happy to install and set up Ed's mini iPad after 4 or 5 unsuccessful tries! Was done at 3:30 or so :) nerd! Yay!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 9

I was shocked about my record time at 27 minutes 50 seconds but now I've come to think of it, I really did push myself.  Throughout the holidays I ran 35 min knowing that's approximately 5k. My mom's treadmill doesn't have a fancy one so I had to do my calculations and keep running. I can actually run 5k under 30 minutes. My best record was 24 minutes and 37 seconds last year in March before goose break. If I can maintain my speed for the next few weeks, 24 minutes should be no problem by spring time. 

I suddenly felt very social after my workout!

We went to a birthday party. The last time we went to Leslie's party was last year and we were late & again this year. It was a nice evening though and then I went to see Cindy for a short visit and deliver her gifts!

Had a couple highlights! 

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Day 8

The most exciting part of the days as entering the fitness centre! It was like going home. I only wanted to run. So I did my 5k. My routine is taking place. 

Drastic change in me. I'm looking foward to staying put and not travel, so I can keep up with my fitness regime :) burn baby burn!! 1180km to go this year!!

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Day 7

I was more or less walking to work as a zombie and worked as a I don't know who works very slow and without motivation! Lack of sleep was all there was to my day! Fell asleep on the couch. I now switched to my bed! Off to more sleep! Bonne nuit!

Day 6

The stress of leaving home and packing. Always a manic day when it comes to travel day. The house was spic and span when we left. 
The expectation is there and I always feel the need to do a major clean up. It's been always done like it and it is stressful. There was a snow storm warning but that didn't stop me from leaving a super clean house. Why oh why though? It's stuck with me. I think! Mr clean was out, Murphy for wood floors was out, disinfectant for the washroom was out, another product for the toilet bowl, laundry detergent was used for laundry, anti bacterial thing for the ceramic floors & it goes on and on. Vacuum, sweep and mop all the floors. Rid of all garbage. 5 hours later, onto the road north at 3:45pm. 

Gookum came with us! She prayed for our trip into the storm and we made it safely with a lot of snowdrifts along the way which felt like we were on a boat. Thank God for his protection and goodness we didn't get stuck or my steering didn't get chocked by the amount of snow we flew on! It was a good manic Monday. Arrived in Nemaska at 8:30pm. Left at 9:30 for Chis and made it safely at 4:30am and fell asleep at 6am for my 9 am work. Manic! Yes! 

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Day 5

Part of me wishes my parents were here in their home but they had to go to a funeral and another one to go to on Monday. It would have been a good Sunday to end my holidays here with them, but I understand where they need to be. We can't always get what we want.
So on this final day of holiday, I'm going to be cleaning their house. Mama has always left her home spic and span. Grew up like that so I do so as it is routine and kind of expected too. I know it is a good feeling to go home to a nice clean home. I can't wait to have my own home. Well off to clean now. 

Day 4

My special moment was being invited over to my brother's for dinner. My sister is law is a graduate from a cooking program and always makes awesome meals. Surf n Turf was on the menu. That filet mignon was just mouth watering! It was a special night to end the holiday festive season. Leaving my family and head back to work Monday! So who knows when I will see them again but I'm glad we had a good time together one last time this season. I love his family! I got extra love for those kidos :) Edward just loved it all as I couldn't have the lobster tail. It was a good evening!

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Day 2

The most special thing that happened today was this. 
Gookum and I :)

Day 3

My most special part of the day was spending time with my niece. We cruised around town after I did my errands and had a really good conversation. She wanted to know about my past relationships if I had any more than one. So cute. We talked and talked and cruised for at least 3 hours. I loved the heart to heart convos. I'm glad to have had time with her especially at her age when everything is a great matter :)
 Those seem to fade in my life but I hope I can change that this year! She was a great reminder of what is precious in this world. Quality Time :)

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Day 1

Nothing unusual today except I did pick up my dad's guitar and hummed a song or two and sang one Cree hymn that my mom and I used to sing together. My dad sang and I played for him which was rather cute. :)

I decided to jog 45 minutes and then watched the winter classic hockey with my my parents. It was cosy day for us all and too cold for someone to be out! -30 something 

I look into my day to find anything that stood out. I tried to understand a math equation. My mind was challenged and it is also settling into the run I will do this year! 1200km in 356 days. Wait a minute, is it really 356 or is it some other number! Oh goodness numbers again anyway I shall end this now! It was a good day on this first of 2014. Looking into what lies ahead of me. Looking and feeling it out! There's gotta be more! Goodnight! -46 but feels like -52? We're not even North Pole here :/

intellectual + mirror

My photo
Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me