Wednesday, April 18, 2007

most random

You know when you feel like you can do so less in a day? Well that was the day today. I could have sworn that I did so much, but really I didn't do a whole lot as I imagined. It went by fast and wednesday are typically sweet days morning flies and then you have this whole afternoon off and you need to get the heck on out of the building. Not many wanted to get out, but I did because it is just the perfect time to breathe in something new. I had a 2 minute comtemplating mode to see if I should take a nap or head on out to do .... who knows what. I tried to convince Niki to join me and do something outside of these many walls around me, but I failed, but I did manage to get Linda & Paul to come along and shop/eat which is what i decided to do.

I wanted to buy a deodorant, but I couldn't find the one I used to apply on my armpits when I lived back in Montreal. See I found out that there is a difference in anti-perspirant and deodorant. What I need is deodorant because I am not a sweaty peepster, and I've been using this anti thing and I feel like I smell even more, not horribly, but I could tell that I am wearing antiperspirant thing. So anyway, I feel like it is pointless at this time to wear what I have and just go without, but Cathy would give me this eww look, but it's not like I stink you know?? Anyway I didn't find what I wanted let alone the store because the deodorant was from a store called 'Dans le jardin', it's french one from montreal. ANyway I didn't succeed in shopping, but Paul did buy 2 pairs of pants and it was good for him to have gone out with the girls and shop. He's very sweet and has many questions that I don't seem to get good smart answers. It's all good though.
All us sgls went to eat over at mandy's place for Karley's birthday. It was very sweet and nice to be in home and tv. We ate enchiladas and cake and went out to swing. I had to come home early so I could take the allergic pills because I must have swallowed some kind of sea food. Bummer. So I came home and got one of my girls to ask if there is any hermal remedies for such things and yes they do. Linda is or was a nurse (for babies though). I took some pills and dyed my hair, well Linda did and now I am lookin totally Indian...back to my roots. No more dead orange streaks. I was white on monday chav night, but noow Im Indianfully.

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intellectual + mirror

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me