Monday, April 16, 2007

The Dream

so...I'm on a bunk bed on top and in the universe. It was almost like on tv with that Nasa...Onto my right I see the world quite big and I can see the blue and the green and it was transparent and moving like you shake water in a bottle. It was flowing in a gentle way. The world got bigger as it got closer and I knew the whole earth was God the father. He was it! I knew in my spirit we were having a conversation that goes something like this. My attitude was more or less like... 'is he for real? and oh yea prove yourself to me then', show me who you really are'. And he was like 'well what do you got? ask me what you got?' And almost like in a defensive way "well show me and tell me step by step how do clouds form or how do they made?" And all of a sudden I see this tiny round shape cloud and it's quite small as the world/God is still coming on slowly to me. As it approaches, I see the cloud get into the world like being swallowed and just disappeared... And for some reason I thought the cloud was my brother Josh...weird but anyhooop that was that.
In my dream I was still as silly as I tend to be at times and I thought when I got up, why on earth did I ask such a silly question? Why didn't ask something more mysterious as clouds can be pretty much explained by scientist and what not. It just shows how puny my mind is. Anyway that was the coolest dream ever I had in my was really out there and just abnormal and sooo good. I don't quite get it and I was just really happy that it was a supernatural dream...except for the fact I asked a silly question. Don't think I got an answer...

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