Sunday, December 03, 2006


heck! so much has gone on. Im still moving & moving on and my breaks dont seem to work. LIfe is still sweet if you want to look things on the brighter side. Its always good, you can make it good by allowing the author do what he's gotta do. So I got more checks in the mail again since the last time I left off. I travel the world in my own lil world (mind). But I actually travelled to Montreal over the weekend to pick up my winter tires at the ol place. Anyhoop, lots has happened. I bought a freakin cool straightner in Kzoo. one hundred and six dollars but so worth it. I got a *& card in my drawer in the office last week, twenty five dollars worth...happy face! my parents moved into their new house/mansion 5 bedroom for a couple. i say its a mansion. Apparently I have a really nice room. SWEEETT!!! mild headache roaming around my brain. Bought bath & body workx for my mom bathrooms. my sg girls are amazing and doing great!! bought a pair of jeans for twenty dollars couple weeks ago. almost done reading redeeming love...amazing book...its a must read for every girlfriend of mine. had an oil change last week and a new light that burnt out one night for no reason. my brazilian team is great! gettin more bonding time. I also got xmas cds. My journal is almost finished and onto a new one which I already bought at Winners for six dollars. And this weekend, I bought a sweet wallet/purse and its a nice red one and a 2 dollar pink tank top for brazil and a tshirt and a gun all from Montreal.
As for my heart, Im doing ok. At times I wish I could just lay here and listen to never ending sweet music that would sooth my busy body. I need to get back on track with my dad. Anyway I must head now. its near bed time!

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me