Monday, December 11, 2006

14 more days

So I have 11 more days here in Toronto and I am excited to go home. Its been a rough few weeks. I just want to see my dad now and sometimes that is all it takes for me to know that everything will be ok. I miss mom n dad. There's so much going on and I just want a dad's hug and a mom's touch. I just want to forget about the world that spins around me and fall to rest in papa's arms. It's been different and at times really not exciting at all. I've gone on some rides, long rides and time away from here and spent a night with friends. I'm learnin about me still... I asked myself tonight, why am I so tough at times? and i didnt get an answer from my mind. It's probably a harsh answer that I didnt want to hear.
Do I still love him?

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