Tuesday, February 13, 2007

my brother

he came in last nite and will be with me for the next couple days. My parents are gone, so that will give us more time to chill and chat. He's such a blessing to me. He's one of the people I go crazy with and laugh at the same things. The best part is when we are in public and we both caught a scene of whatever is funny, we will both laugh at the same time and laugh at the person or whatnot... kinda sounds bad but most of the time it's small things that we make big and it gets funnier and better. I guess you could say exageration, and we do that, and cant help but get crazier. Im blessed to have him to myself this week and have fun. I havent had much fun lately. Work seems a lil too serious, but its all good. Cant complain about the little work that I do and get paid quite a lot. OK, i should just put a smile on my face while I answer away!!

Friday, February 09, 2007


yesterday, and lately Ive had my adult relatives come to me talk about their "troubles". And ( I think) for the first time ever I asked papa to give me a heart for those that hurt my most beloved ones. It's hard to love others when it hurts you as well. I want the best for my uncles and aunts but someone close doesnt want them happy and I really dont like that. Now Ive come to ask papa to fill me up with his love as I forgave and released them and believe that my heart will change when I see my relatives. As these sweet people come to open their hearts, I am learning about boundaries so I will not get all tangled up in their stuff.
Goin home can always be so interesting and such a learning experience. It's quite challenging at times but im learning //but honestly I need to set my boundaries and thats so hard to do, because I see that the Cree ways of living is not how I want to live...there are some good ways but many I disagree and how do I gently go about it and not let them think o its the white way of living.... so much learning in such lil time. couple more weeks..... then i bust the move again. The story of my life, but I really like it..someday I will settle but not here I dont think... Im looking forward to buying a couple condos in couple major cities.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


im almsot done work. I dont have much to do, but answer the phone in a very very professional way or manner. I sound very extraordinaire. If you want to hear me, you should call me.
AT 555--555555-5-5-5-5-555-5-5
i accept collect calls


Sunday, February 04, 2007

wheres the blog?

where did it go? I just posted it. this is the new blogger and hmmm i m lost in it...i have to go look for it.


I made it to the far north face of the earth... i havent blogged since last year...weird...
So snow is all i see around me and just last week I was in my bikini and now everything is covered from head to toe...feels a bit overwhelming, but I guess I must return where I am from....but do I really belong here? I dunno. I must go discover that... so last weeek, I thought of "God's will. Why do people say I want to be in God's will...i wonder....the world and its people in it seem to think they are doing his will without them knowing or being aware of it... Everyone must be in his will unless someone really wants to go against God, wouldnt that be tha case...hmm. I'd like to go more into that. anyhoop, I am back on for good I hope. Things and people kinda took over me as I allowed that to happen... I love to write but I did drop that as I peopled out and so caught up with stuff.

I miss Brasil, the heat, the people, unidao and the food.
Now I am eating wild meat again like beaver and goose and moose meat this afternoon for lunch... back to the old indian ways...... bring on the meat!!!!

intellectual + mirror

My photo
Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me