Saturday, November 11, 2006

life is life

well, well, well. What could I possibly say to make my life more uplifting without the sugar. Pour some sugar on me so I won't have to get in into my body system. Anyway I will overcome this! I think it's about 52 days when we start celebrating Christmas. And less than 60 days til I fly outa this country!! Brazil here I come. It hit me last night while I was sitting in Cathy's couch talking away about stuff and reality hit, I'll be 30 very soon. I'm not worried, but I have no proof that I am very intelligent and my marital status says -divorced-. I know I have an amazing life ahead of me, but I feel like I should get something goin on here, but there's nothing much I can do now except to look forward to my birthday celebrating with friends in Brazil. Sweet!!
Last night I watched the Matrix for the first time ever in my entire almost 30 years of my life. Imagine that! It was quite interesting, and of course there were few times I was kinda lost in the movie and didn't quite understand. I'm usually not that typa person who watches super high effects movies, but it was good, very good might I add.
When I fly home in December, Im goin home to a brand new house/home. It's exciting, but very strange because that is just not what I expected in my life I guess...sure it's nice to have mom n dad, but to move back in when I already moved out and now...hi mom n dad, make room for me I need to fill in your space. Then again Im not really moving in for good...But I think I still have to consider my life soon, kinda like making a plan or order, but a big part of me doesn't really want to.
Sometimes I feel like I will just get on great without much super education and his favor resting on me. I mean I don't have to work n work to get to something, but I dunno. IT could happen and it also could not, but for the time being I will be optimistik and think I can do all things and accomplish, fulfill my dreams and make a living one way or another with my dad's help of course. Life is as what you make it to be. I think it's a choice whether you want to really live.... i think, i could be wrong, but you can disagree.

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me