Thursday, July 09, 2009


passion |ˈpa sh ən|
1 strong and barely controllable emotion : a man of impetuous passion. See note at emotion .
• a state or outburst of such emotion : oratory in which he gradually works himself up into a passion.
• intense sexual love : their all-consuming passion for each other | she nurses a passion for Thomas.
• an intense desire or enthusiasm for something : the English have a passion for gardens.
• a thing arousing enthusiasm : modern furniture is a particular passion of Bill's.
2 ( the Passion) the suffering and death of Jesus : meditations on the Passion of Christ.
• a narrative of this from any of the Gospels.
• a musical setting of any of these narratives : an aria from Bach's St. Matthew Passion.
passionless adjective
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French, from late Latin passio(n-) (chiefly a term in Christian theology), from Latin pati ‘suffer.’

Who am I passionate about?
What am I passionate about?
What do I believe in?
Who do I believe in?

Passion...... bit of a scary word I say. Can a passion ever die? was it ever alive? What do I truly believe in. Who do I really believe in? So many questions on this journey....

My passion lies in the temporary things... or am I thinking of the things I like? tricky!

life would make sense if I had "PASSION" for something.... looking n looking.... on the road to discovery!

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me