Sunday, June 10, 2007

this journey

Everyday seems another day of new more interesting discoveries and just so much more to explore and understand and at times not at all have an understanding of what is goin on. I saw a tree being swept to the ground by the wind. How cool is that? Wind you feel, but can't really see its color but you only see it by the way things are the left to the left....oops that was from beonce. anyway wind is indeed powerful element. can i even say that? I dunno, but it sounds good. I watched Pride & Prejudice last night and it was quite complicated to watch especially for someone like who has no idea about english culture. I only know of community life and prestige is not a thing I know very well. My friends helped me out to understand it, so that was very helpful.
Yea my journey about being a daughter has been interesting..... my mom called me the other day to tell me that she cried n cried because of not knowing what is it like being a daughter....interesting... She had a dad for 8 years and her dad died. It was quite cool, but what was I to say? I was kinda speechless and maybe it was meant to be that way so I wouldnt say more to minister to her spirit...I think, but I could be wrong, but I prayed that God would finish up what he started in huh??

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me