Thursday, June 09, 2011

Baby Girl

Couple weeks ago, my cousin Beth asked my brother & I to be godparents to her new born baby. We were both thrilled & honored that they would even consider us since we both don't have any children and not married! We gladly accepted the honor. And now, I have a new responsibility to pray and bless and teach this little being in the ways of God. I think i'll be a good parent and will enjoy this new role in my life. See, let's turn this subject just a bit more to the opposite. I work with a director that deals with life and death emergency situations. And I have to be ready to work outside of working hours, and we work with sad and painful situations. Since I've worked with this department, my heart has become numb to death and the emotions that come with it. I just don't connect emotionally in some ways and that isn't really good. I believe I am to feel with those people that grieve, but these months of community grief has taken its toll on me. In some way, it has been depressing, but this is life... I may not understand why we have funerals just about every month, and that's part of life as we know it... Alas a glimpse of hope came into view. A day ago, I was thinking of, what life did change me? Perhaps change is rather not the perfect word to use. But I know one thing, what impacted my life was the new birthing of a tiny baby who was premature yet made perfectly! And I love her already. I imagine her future so bright! I needed to experience life! Thus I received my blessing! I love my godchild and I will forever be loving to my lil beebs. Thank you Beth, Pat, baby Ny, and mostly God for blessing me a new life to love, cherish and bless!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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