Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Vancouver or Vancity

Taking a moment to take this in all by myself.
I look at the clouds and blue skies just makes my life perfect. Water just soothes my soul. These boats make me smile without a great big reason. The mountains across the city make me think how beautiful my life is at this second. Every time a find a place of serenity, I always wonder how did I get here and what did I deserve to be here? But I guess I shouldn't even question what God will give me. Whilst in this comfy chair with a warm cup, I'm being serenaded by Adele in this beautiful coffee shop and now I ask myself, what more do I need now? I know there is so much more out there for me, but for now I will take a deep breathe and accept this beautiful blessing called life!

intellectual + mirror

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Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me