Friday, December 14, 2007


not too sure if I can & want to come to TO. we'll see

Thursday, December 06, 2007


i ordered this cd from Redding and I love it!!! There's something in me that stirs to know more about 'Him' through music and actually get into deeper practice? or times with him through my guitar. -I really wanna know what love is. I WANT MORE! I nEED more, so much more than what I known.

ONe of my favorite songs is in that cd too and tis -how he loves. Just so makes me want to cry out to Him and only him...

I want to create an atmosphere where his kingdom comes and heals and restores all that was ever stolen. I want to create music and get swept away by Him... that is my dream right now.

intellectual + mirror

My photo
Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me