Sunday, July 29, 2007

coming home

leaving a place I called 'home' to a place i called home, but dont really have a home of my own..yet! where should I live now? somewhere beautiful I'm sure


Today is my last hour in California state. We'll be leaving soon to head home. It's been a fantastic month and I loved every bit of it even the questionable times and just being here with Sam and the team has been a real treat. I met people I have grown to love and I have a hard time leaving these precious loved ones of mine. I didn't think this place could give me such a huge impact on me and to know what papa's has been doin in my heart, just makes me want to get closer and closer to him, so I can hear exactly what to do and say when he moves and speaks. Many times I am not aware that he speaks through me. I am really blessed. Everwhere we went this month, all I could think of is his kindness, love, joy, struggles here and there, but his faithfulness always proved him perfect. I love my dad!!!

I'm going to miss this place honestly. The people have touched my heart and I hope to see them again in the future. I think I'd love to try it out if it will work out in the future. The girls in the LRM have immensely blessed me and opened my eyes to see and love beyond and be full of love and grace. I seen how great our papa is and how kind he is to everyone and so gentle and loving. All I wanted to do was love more and receive love as well.

It was an incredible experience to have work with the recovery people. It has brought me joy to see them blossom and love life and want to experience more. Even if it took a couple weeks to soften up, we did come to a place of wanting each other's company and be a blessing to one another without even realizing it. God has done much work in my heart and I didn't even become aware of it until one of the girls left the house to live back on the rouh end of life. That was painful and I needed to forgive her and release her and bless her. It was painful and it hurt as well to see the other girls being so hurt by her actions. It was quite the journey. I don't think I have had this experience ever before and to see bits of my prophecy fulfilled about working with addicts has been a real blessing and I would like to experience more. I didn't think I could work with people under those circumstance, but honestly I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength to do it. who knows? maybe I will be working with people as such.....because I have grown to love the broken, the hurting, the unwanted, unloved, rejected..... God is good loving!!

I love you papa!!!!
you are indeed fantastic!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

take care or be careful

I learnt that when I try to change a way of saying things or be careful not to make noise, the more I say things in a wrong way and the more noise I make. I found out that once I pray for help, everything I want to say comes out naturally and dont need to stress myself. All I need is to ask plainly what I need and I get it freely. So cool!! That's one revelation!:)

Sunday, July 08, 2007


I thought I knew how to add more words to my previous blog, but I guess I don't. We just got back from the beach and just showered and now i feel so relaxed and lovin the sun on my face. We went to a river actually and it had a tiny beach and we swam across to get on a rope and swing and jump into the river. It was quite fun and then we went up the stream and climbed up rocks and jumped into some friggin cold water and lil falls .... was quite the nice afternoon!


that was not cree, but just couldnt come up with a good title. this is all i wanted to do.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

extreme encounter

well well well... we got back from a wilderness boot camp typa deal but christiany oriented...quite the character builder... i thought to myself at first, this attitude of mine ...ahhh how long will i have to struggle with this???? interestingly when I confessed that to myself and God heard me...I was more disappointed in me...but he heard me and somehow the next day..I was completely changed... I had an open heart to do all that we must do that day.... I didnt think this encounter was going to do much to me but it did...So weak and he became my strength..I might go in details about this but we'll see how much time I have...meanwhile I will enjoy the summer heat in California.

intellectual + mirror

My photo
Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me