Tuesday, August 26, 2008

beautiful Tuesday

Sun is out and clouds are pretty far from off from my lil community. Gotta love this kinda weather especially when it's been a wee bit chilly few days ago.

Anyhoop gota enjoy this wonderful heat!!
my battery is dying too gotta run

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Thursday Morning

So had the interview and got a call less than an hour later to be informed that I was taken on board and start work soon in the Arctic. sooooooooooooo happy, thrilled and excited!!!
This day has finally come after over a year. I guess it took a year for everything to come to pass and learn and grow. I lived almost exactly a year in my home town. I had my ups and downs and had lots of challenging times living a new chapter in my life.

Onto another chapter now. I start my life in the Arctic next month, in 2 weeks really. I do not know what the full picture and part of me doesn't want to know as I want to live one day at a time and learn and enjoy every moment of the learning, growing times for me.

I shall keep this blog updated and this might be the best way to know my whereabouts and whatabouts.

It's a wonderful life!

Few years ago I thought of the world and the people in it and many say I want to do the will of God and I thought wow... so many are doing that because our desires originated from Him and we do what we must to get to that destination for a time, a season....
So here I am doing what I love!! Off I go and away I go!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

the Arctic Call

Sooooooooooo after months of waiting to receive a call like... you are hired!!! has finally come few days ago. It was actually more like 'are you still interested?' I had sent my cv months ago and I guess they were on holidays and the center was under renovations and wondered if I was still interested. Of course I was and am still very interested!!! I was just in the waiting room for so long and the time has finally come.

I told my friend early this summer that I had a feeling that I may get hired in the Fall and it's possible that I will be there this Fall. I should get another phone call from the chairperson for confirmation and stuff. In the meantime I shall get ready for things.

These past couple weeks have been interesting now when I look back. There were times I felt like I needed to get ready, for what? just about the future, maybe read and write, get my notes sorted out. Then another day I thought of writing a song about someone who has contemplated on suicide, like a song of desperation and another one on a young woman's struggle for life. That morning, I said thank you God for the call of receiving a new job.

All these things started to make sense and it wasn't all about me and my desires. But it was a preparation for what's to come. I shall be in contact with people who had it rough and tough. These people I already have a heart for. I actually sang out a song for them and started crying. Very intriguing moment!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A time for.....

I cried yesterday. I sat outside and just cried out and asked and wondered many things. And then I think I heard -start writing. And I stopped crying. I wondered could this be God really? Anyway I am getting on that journey either way. In due season I will discover if it was a spontaneous thought...

I have always had a passion to write, but I kinda been putting that off for reasons unknown. I guess I need to get caught on my thinking's' and reasonings and write them down as many times these spontaneous thoughts come and suddenly make sense and get new revelations!! whhhoooohooo passion is rising up!! lol


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

free time (s)

well now that i have no employment and have all the free time to do all I want?!?!?!? what do I do and where do I begin? O my so many options!
I guess I could start off losing a few pounds and get $ coming and play music and write some as well. OK I must start being productive!


intellectual + mirror

My photo
Im Indian Im not the average Indian girl Im not as dark as I wish to be Deer is me